Chaos Umpire Sits They Who Fell Book 2 eBook Kevin Kneupper

Chaos Umpire Sits They Who Fell Book 2 eBook Kevin Kneupper
Ok Mr. Kneupper, I am officially hooked. I've devoured the first two books in this series in the last 72 hours only to realize I'm now apparently ahead of your writing. I don't want to wait! For those looking for a gripping, interesting, fast-paced read, start with They Who Fell and you will quickly move on to Chaos Umpire Sits.This is a dystopian series with a twist. It's not aliens, disease, machines or mankind's failures that end the world as we know it, it's fallen angels. Mr. Kneupper spins a tale the reader can immediately place themselves in and develops characters with such clear personality traits you can see them vividly in your mind. I thoroughly enjoyed these books and I am eagerly awaiting the next one!
Another reader mentioned The Hunger Games and Divergent series seemingly indicating that this series doesn't measure up. I wholeheartedly disagree! I've read them all... Divergent was a poor copycat of The Hunger Games and dragged on longer then the author's imagination. The books and the subsequent movies will satisfy the Tweens appetites and not many more. These books are definitely directed towards a more adult audience and are worth your time. Well done Mr. Kneupper! Now... Please get back to work.

Tags : Chaos Umpire Sits (They Who Fell Book 2) - Kindle edition by Kevin Kneupper. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Chaos Umpire Sits (They Who Fell Book 2).,ebook,Kevin Kneupper,Chaos Umpire Sits (They Who Fell Book 2),FICTION Romance Paranormal,FICTION Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
Chaos Umpire Sits They Who Fell Book 2 eBook Kevin Kneupper Reviews
I was genuinely surprised by this sequel. I really didn't know what to expect going in. Would Rhamiel find Jana? Would the angels slaughter what was left of humanity? I gots to know!
I don't really care for books where the author switches characters each chapter. It's usually done poorly and with no other reason except for cliff hangers. I hate cliff hangers but I started to understand with the escalating story arcs the chapters got closer in sync. It wasn't just Holt and humans chapter then an angel chapter. It was like reading two separate books.
Closer to the meeting of Suriel the stories started over lapping. Then eventually they were each interacting in the same chapter. I really appreciated this because it made the characters seem so distant from each other and suddenly you get to see the complex interactions between angels and humans.
Preacher Perry and the cherubs? So annoying! I would have punched them all if I could. Seriously. Right in the face. I remember thinking that while reading.
I have to say, I'm officially hooked on this series. Kevin Kneupper does a lot of things that I'd usually squint at in other books, but in these ones they work.
Chaos picks up where we left off at the end of in They Who Fell. The angels from the Tower are in disarray and their home is gone. Some have life threatening injuries and it is within this context that they seek the help of the Cherubim who, on the social hierarchy of the Heavens, are considered lower than the angels. The Cherubim are more interested in mechanical creations than miracles and their begins an uneasy alliance between themselves and angels.
Similarly, the humans are in survival mode. After carrying out their attack on the angels, they are now running for their lives. Some of the key players we met in book one are injured and beyond the help of human medicine. Then there's Jana, the servant from the tower, who accompanies the freedom fighters because she has nowhere else to be. Carrying a secret that has world changing ramifications, the group seek out an angel—their greatest foes—who has the ability to heal.
Enter Suriel, an angel with miraculous powers who has started a community for the human refugees. Surrounded by acolytes, Suriel might be the crew's only chance of curing their ailments, but when the angel in Faye's head starts speaking the group realises all is not what it appears.
This was a great romp of a read and I don't want to spoil it for anyone else, but there are belligerence, battles, betrayals, and then a slow building of begrudging alliances between disparate groups.
At the end of the book, there's one solid gut-punch. Yeah, I one-clicked the next book immediately because I have to know how this series ends.
I just want to add some things in this book absolutely twisted my mind. The evil Ecanus and the choices he forces people to make. Mr. Kneupper has a dark gift for the tragi-comic—one of my favourite things.
I tip my hat to him.
Highly recommended.
This is book two of the "They Who Fell" series and picks up right where the first book left off. In this book, the Tower has fallen. While the angels try to locate survivors, Holt, Faye, Thane, along with Jana try to make their escape through the city, along with all of the now homeless servants following behind.
In this book we are introduced to the Cherubim and their dark creations and we are further introduced to something worse than angels...a deranged archangel. Holt leads his group to the archangel Suriel in the hopes of healing Thane's broken body and Faye's broken mind. They follow all the signs (and statues) to a compound of peace and love, where everyone is helpful and happy...almost too helpful and happy. Holt's warning signals all flair, but he is determined to get help for Thane and Faye, so he does what he has to do. Meanwhile, Uzziel is gathering an army to wipe out the entire human race in retribution for his fallen comrades, by enlisting the help of the Cherubim and by tricking his Seraphim brothers into accepting Cherubic gifts that come with a price. In the end, everything collides in a desperate and epic battle fought at the archangel's compound and absolutely no one is safe!
While I enjoyed the book immensely, it was hard to get through, but only because I am a sensitive human and I find it difficult to process senseless violence on the helpless and I cannot abide injustice. The angels have no compassion left in them. They kill without mercy and without remorse and while I understand that this is a vital part of the story, it was still difficult for me to read.
Ok Mr. Kneupper, I am officially hooked. I've devoured the first two books in this series in the last 72 hours only to realize I'm now apparently ahead of your writing. I don't want to wait! For those looking for a gripping, interesting, fast-paced read, start with They Who Fell and you will quickly move on to Chaos Umpire Sits.
This is a dystopian series with a twist. It's not aliens, disease, machines or mankind's failures that end the world as we know it, it's fallen angels. Mr. Kneupper spins a tale the reader can immediately place themselves in and develops characters with such clear personality traits you can see them vividly in your mind. I thoroughly enjoyed these books and I am eagerly awaiting the next one!
Another reader mentioned The Hunger Games and Divergent series seemingly indicating that this series doesn't measure up. I wholeheartedly disagree! I've read them all... Divergent was a poor copycat of The Hunger Games and dragged on longer then the author's imagination. The books and the subsequent movies will satisfy the Tweens appetites and not many more. These books are definitely directed towards a more adult audience and are worth your time. Well done Mr. Kneupper! Now... Please get back to work.

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