Winners Never Cheat Even in Difficult Times New and Expanded Edition Jon M Huntsman Glenn Beck 9780137009039 Books

Winners Never Cheat Even in Difficult Times New and Expanded Edition Jon M Huntsman Glenn Beck 9780137009039 Books
Below are key excerpts from the book that I found particularly insightful:1- "Crises must and can be resolved in moral ways. In so doing, keep in mind two things: 1) The situation hardly ever is as bad as it seems. It will pass. Better times are ahead. If nothing else, history tell us that...2) Prosperous times are no guarantee we will adhere to a morally righteous path. Most people strongly adhere to a fixed code of ethics whether the economy is up or down, but some feel a sense of need for even more financial gain, regardless of the consequences."
2- "Play by the Rules...Compete fiercely and fairly - but no cutting in line. Which rules we honor and which we ignore determine personal character, and it is character that determines how closely we will allow our value system to affect our lives."
3- "There are, basically, three kinds of people: the unsuccessful, the temporarily successful, and those who become and remain successful. The difference, I am convinced, is character."
4- "Courage may be the single most important factor in identifying leadership. Individuals may know well what is right and what is wrong but fail to act decisively because they lack the courage their values require."
5- "We need to eliminate lawyers - simply reduce their modern-day omnipresence in our dealings. Use them for legal advice and leave other decisions to the experts."
6- "When reminded of our core values, the tendency for deception decreases."
7- "Some people earn admiration and respect. If you must choose one, however, go for respect every time."
8- "When it comes to grudges, we all have held on to some for too long. What separates winners from losers is how fast we banish those demons."
9- "Graciousness in next to Godliness...treat competitors, colleagues, employees, and customers with respect...(Graciousness) embodies love, kindness, sensitivity, and charity."
10- "(In discussing family business two rules apply) Rule 1...check your ego at the door...everyone knows the abilities and shortcomings of the others...Rule a cheerleader for each other. Seek good fortune for the other person first."
11- "We all owe a portion of our success to others, incurring a debt in the process, and the only way to repay that assistance is by sharing your good fortune."
12- "So how does one bring about the restoration of value-based behavior in the marketplace and in the other arenas of modern life? I offer four simple suggestions as follows: 1) When you engage in something that affects others, first ask yourself: Is this right? Would I like to be treated this way? 2) Take your values to work. Don't disconnect them when you sit down at your desk. There should not be a conflict between making a profit and adhering to traditional principles of decency and fairness. 3) Consider yourself your brothers' and sisters' keeper and set the example for ethical behavior. 4) Make the underpinnings of your life a string of f-words (phonetically, at least): family, faith, fortitude, fairness, fidelity, friendship, and philanthropy."

Tags : Winners Never Cheat: Even in Difficult Times, New and Expanded Edition [Jon M. Huntsman, Glenn Beck] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Author royalties from this book go to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation The way Jon conducts his business and lives his life will not only inspire you to be a better person,Jon M. Huntsman, Glenn Beck,Winners Never Cheat: Even in Difficult Times, New and Expanded Edition,Pearson FT Press,0137009038,Business ethics,Business ethics.,Businessmen - United States,Executives - Conduct of life,Executives;Conduct of life.,Huntsman, Jon M,Success in business - Moral and ethical aspects,Success in business;Moral and ethical aspects.,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Business Ethics,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Entrepreneurship,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Leadership,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Skills,Business & Economics,Business & EconomicsBusiness Ethics,Business Economics Finance,BusinessEconomics,Conduct of life,Executives,GENERAL,General Adult,How-toDo-it-yourself,Leadership,Moral and ethical aspects,Non-Fiction,Success in business,United States
Winners Never Cheat Even in Difficult Times New and Expanded Edition Jon M Huntsman Glenn Beck 9780137009039 Books Reviews
WOW! Jon Huntsman is a remarkable person with a story worth spreading.
This book deserves to be read by all entrepreneurs and professionals in business. An ethical guide that you can win in business and life by doing good, maintaining your integrity and keeping your word in spite of what happens. Nuggets of wisdom in each chapter.
You will be glad, you read this book! Invest in yourself today, and may this wisdom help you in becoming the person you want to become!
A great read indeed. Jon Huntsman is my idol. A very wise and extraordinary person with a lifetime of experiences written to teach, inspire and offer a different perspective from an older generation to the newer.
I read this book over a long period of time. That's not to say I didn't like it. I loved this book! It seems every time I read it I was copying quotes and little bits of wisdom from it. One of my favorites wasn't actually his quote, but Mr. Huntsman lives the words of the quote. “No exercise is better for the human heart than reaching down and lifting another up.”
Read this book. It will make you a better human being and give you the desire to be a little better today than you were yesterday.
It's nearly impossible in today's greed driven society to find a business person with solid, unbreakable integrity. Monsanto Chemical, Dow Chemical and countless food manufacturing companies, ie Kellogg, General Mills sleep in the same bed as the Federal Government who enables the use of toxic, poisonous GMO foods, that has destroyed vast areas of the land worldwide, killed animals and people through diseases created by GMO foods. Their attitude is "the public be damned". Write to the politicians who allegedly represent you and you get stonewalled and B.S.'d to death.
In this top notch book, John Huntsman sets the bar high and teaches others how to do business without destroying your competition. He feels, and I fully support this notion, that there is room in the pool for everyone. He teaches the basic character treasures like honesty, integrity, honor, truthfulness, and more. All qualities foreign to 95% of business and industry today.
After reading it, I felt inspired by such a honorable man. Bravo!
So, the beginning of this book reads a little like "This guy is the best guy that ever roamed the earth and this is why." That part kind of annoyed me. Nobody is as kind, prefect and selfless as this guy is made out to be. I'm sorry, I don't believe it. The rest of the book I actually found to have merit. Even though the slightly brag/tell style of this book made me shake my head at times, I did feel the book was a good example for people in any stage of their business to follow. Common sense would dictate that if we want to succeed at whatever we choose to do in life we should try to get there by taking the high road.
I thought the author did a pretty good job of giving examples of what he was talking about in regards to how to make the right choice when faced with a question of ethics. There were some places that I thought the thought could have been expanded more ti incorporate knowledge for smaller less Forbe's like businesses. Perhaps the author has had so much success as a fortune five-hundred CEO that he has forgotten that not all of us are in his shoes.
I kind of felt like this book was the "Thou shalt not" section of the bible for the business model. It offered some good, common sense advice, but at the same time, I think most of the parables were pretty obvious. Overall it was an interesting read and did have some jewels buried in it.
Below are key excerpts from the book that I found particularly insightful
1- "Crises must and can be resolved in moral ways. In so doing, keep in mind two things 1) The situation hardly ever is as bad as it seems. It will pass. Better times are ahead. If nothing else, history tell us that...2) Prosperous times are no guarantee we will adhere to a morally righteous path. Most people strongly adhere to a fixed code of ethics whether the economy is up or down, but some feel a sense of need for even more financial gain, regardless of the consequences."
2- "Play by the Rules...Compete fiercely and fairly - but no cutting in line. Which rules we honor and which we ignore determine personal character, and it is character that determines how closely we will allow our value system to affect our lives."
3- "There are, basically, three kinds of people the unsuccessful, the temporarily successful, and those who become and remain successful. The difference, I am convinced, is character."
4- "Courage may be the single most important factor in identifying leadership. Individuals may know well what is right and what is wrong but fail to act decisively because they lack the courage their values require."
5- "We need to eliminate lawyers - simply reduce their modern-day omnipresence in our dealings. Use them for legal advice and leave other decisions to the experts."
6- "When reminded of our core values, the tendency for deception decreases."
7- "Some people earn admiration and respect. If you must choose one, however, go for respect every time."
8- "When it comes to grudges, we all have held on to some for too long. What separates winners from losers is how fast we banish those demons."
9- "Graciousness in next to Godliness...treat competitors, colleagues, employees, and customers with respect...(Graciousness) embodies love, kindness, sensitivity, and charity."
10- "(In discussing family business two rules apply) Rule 1...check your ego at the door...everyone knows the abilities and shortcomings of the others...Rule a cheerleader for each other. Seek good fortune for the other person first."
11- "We all owe a portion of our success to others, incurring a debt in the process, and the only way to repay that assistance is by sharing your good fortune."
12- "So how does one bring about the restoration of value-based behavior in the marketplace and in the other arenas of modern life? I offer four simple suggestions as follows 1) When you engage in something that affects others, first ask yourself Is this right? Would I like to be treated this way? 2) Take your values to work. Don't disconnect them when you sit down at your desk. There should not be a conflict between making a profit and adhering to traditional principles of decency and fairness. 3) Consider yourself your brothers' and sisters' keeper and set the example for ethical behavior. 4) Make the underpinnings of your life a string of f-words (phonetically, at least) family, faith, fortitude, fairness, fidelity, friendship, and philanthropy."

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