Hero To Zero 2nd Edition Zach Fortier Blue Harvest Creatives 9780615914367 Books

Hero To Zero 2nd Edition Zach Fortier Blue Harvest Creatives 9780615914367 Books
Short stories written by a police officer telling stories of fellow policemen. These aren't the glory stories of good arrest, etc. but stories of how good cops and seemingly good cops did something stupid and lost their careers, their families, their homes and whole life they worked for. Also stories of very lazy cops. To me the sad part of this book is the fact that police officers are receiving such bad press all across the country and it is due to the few cops such as the ones in this book. A must read.
Tags : Hero To Zero 2nd Edition [Zach Fortier, Blue Harvest Creatives] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Zach Fortier is back with more true crime accounts from the streets. This time he deals with the subject of cops gone bad,Zach Fortier, Blue Harvest Creatives,Hero To Zero 2nd Edition,Steele Shark Press,0615914365,General,True Crime Espionage,True Crime General,True crime
Hero To Zero 2nd Edition Zach Fortier Blue Harvest Creatives 9780615914367 Books Reviews
For those interesting in reading a book, let me give you the general idea. Lets say that you go to a dingy bar in St. Paul, Minnesota. You are at the bar counter drinking a Coors and watching the Twins play the Angels. Next to you sits a guys and you strike a conversation. You come to learn that he is a retired cop and he starts sharing stories about his days on the force in particular the good cops who threw away their stellar careers for stupid things. If you can imagine the level of detail and quick stories about Person A or Person B, that is about what you will get when you read the book. If you are interested in reading it then go ahead otherwise pass for another book that may give you more in depth insights rather than quick stories you could hear while drinking a beer.
I liked this book. As a hallmark of literature, it ain't...It isn't Dickens, Haley, or Follett, but those aren't what I wanted to read at this time. (I have attached some notes I made to the author...Btw, I am not a personal friend to the author..) Zach, Hero to Zero is REAL. I appreciate that you put LE in a human light and your personal reactions to the people and situations that you describe are real and human. . Anyways, your book ( the one I read and probably others) make police/cops Real to us civillians.. If the critics of the feet on the ground for LE read your book with an open mind...well then.... ....... your book has made help to open my eyes to the struggles (as people) the some police may have. I liked it but it was bittersweet for me. First I am a sensitive soul. I don't like to see people fail, esp those that serve the community. I had started to write ' Zero to Hero' and then I realized that I got it wrong and then I thought....that sux...the stories are about well...failures with rarely a 'recovery' mentioned...Granted some of the folks written of (seemed to) have ingrained personality issues. I read in the author's bio where he shared (quite bravely) about some of his struggles, and I thought....well, HIS (the author's) is a success story... Dude is still around, interacting with people and contributing to society...and perhaps helping even more people than he would as a cop..... Another thing that struck me personally is he shared that he or someone you he about was spat upon.... Folks have asked me why I didn't become a cop like a sibling of mine....well, that is the answer I give...they have a TOUGH job! (ie spat upon) I think that I have learned abit bout myself from the people he wrote of...Do I feel merciful or should they hang the bastards by their.... do I feel badly for their families/friends/colleagues/brass that promoted some of them....? Also, unfortunately...people that are apt to read cop books are sometimes cynics and some ppl love to see cops not succeed, infact....there is no story (anywhere) unless there is conflict...and our society loves to see anyone esp authority fail and then point fingers and accuse. It is a shame really..and I admit to the vicarious thrill in reading this book of watching a 'train wreck in slo mo' This book made me think about myself and my reactions to the stories being shared. It is also kinda in contrast to some of the cop culture in Canada, where I am from. I did some civilian volunteer work with RCMP a long time ago and there is still, to this day a HUGE diff culture in the RCMP ) but seems to be a little 'lighter' in the city police depts in Canada. This book and the author's honesty about his own struggles and his reactions to some of his former colleagues is contrary to the old school cop code that I have noticed in some places and some indiv's in LE. In this book, I perceived a shot at the huge wall that separates the police from every one else.( Course, I could be full of crap! ) I hope that this trend continues as it think it makes for safer communities and healthier cops ...present and retired.... Worth the price and time and more! I am going to purchase the other books the author wrote in similar veins. Via con Dios.
Not sure what I expected actually, these stories are at the same time, interesting and depressing. They are bite-size and just right for reading before bedtime or when you don't have lots of time, like most short stories are. Since these are based on true stories, they don't usually have the "Hollywood wraps everything up" that you expect from cop stories. I did finish the book and I will get the next one and read it too, so that tells me that I liked it. Also - the author's writing style makes it easy (for me) to visualize the scene he is describing. I did feel like I was in the midst of the story as he told it, for most of these accounts.
After reading Hero to Zero, I thought about bad episodes of the TV show COPS.
Zach Fortier book does not seem like Ed McBains 87th Precinct mysteries, its gritty real life. His words are so true to life that you cannot look the same way at a TV cop show again.
The language is gritty and honest. This isnt a book dialog, that why I like the book hero to Zero. These stories of bad cops makes you think of how this good guys can be turned. The author's relay these tales is great storytelling in a non fiction way.
Was I uncomfortable after reading this book, YES..because outside my apartment window after reading this book, I saw two police officers arresting someone. I instantly thought of what I just read,,it sent a chill down my spine.
The book is honest and to the point. I will look for another by Zach
Bennet Pomerantz
The editor must not have been paying attention when they let this piece of rubbish roll off the presses. The grammar and writing style are both sub par to say the least.
Fortier continues to repeat the same phrase, the same euphemism over and over to brow-beat it into his obviously dense audience that the subject character is 'nervous', 'hiding something'....
Then he revels in the demise of the character. The subjects in this book can take solace that they are at least unnamed while Fortier has his name attached to this 'Sleep Walking', Ann Rule book.
It is my opinion that you can find much more pleasant and worthy books for free than this rot.
Heroes to Zeros must have been self published.........
Sorry to be negative, but this is a horrible style of writing and a book you will take nothing from.
Short stories written by a police officer telling stories of fellow policemen. These aren't the glory stories of good arrest, etc. but stories of how good cops and seemingly good cops did something stupid and lost their careers, their families, their homes and whole life they worked for. Also stories of very lazy cops. To me the sad part of this book is the fact that police officers are receiving such bad press all across the country and it is due to the few cops such as the ones in this book. A must read.

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